Operation & Maintenance

Effectiveness of water pollution treatment processes can only be ascertained if the designed and erected plant is operated efficiently.

AEEPL believes in providing quality technical support while plant is in operation. All AEEPL customers receives the adequate monitoring services even after commissioning of the ETP’s by operating & maintaining the plants with man, material and technical expertise.

Plant Performance monitoring involves the measurement of output parameters over the time against plant designed criteria and prescribed parameters stipulated by the concerned statutory authorities.

AEEPL renders the following plant operation and maintenance services:

  • Training and Providing instructions / guidelines for operation of various processes.
  • Establishing the routines for managing chemicals, testing, reporting, troubleshooting if required.
  • Ensure safety measures required during operation and also for pollution control management.
  • Abide by standard / prescribed Equipment Maintenance routines.
  • Keeping plant performance records, reporting the result to the designated entities and liaison work as and when required.
  • Benchmarking measures plant performance relative to the performance of other similar processes with the aim of setting good engineering practices.
  • Prepare the roadmap for future expansion of pollution control measures.

AEEPL O & M Team ensures longevity of customer asset and maintain return on investment.

Currently AquaChem operates & maintains the following installations:

Click on the links to view recent technical readings / analytics:

23621 15 Mile Rd #C104, Clinton MI, 48035, New York, USA

  • Email: support@spectrum.com
  • Phone: +88(0)0 234456
  • Fax: +88 (0) 000033454

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